Student Support Services
Our Health Service and Student Counselling Service are always on hand should you ever need them.
Health Service
Our daily surgery – with dedicated college doctors and a nurse – is free to all full-time registered students.
Emergency cover is available from NoWDOC; 6pm – 8am on weekdays, from midday on Saturday and all day Sunday and Bank Holidays. Simply call 1850 400 911.
If you’ve a long-term illness our Health Service team will work in conjunction with your GP to ensure you continue to receive the necessary medical care while completing your studies.
Our Health Service also supports students with Medical Cards and should you be eligible for one, we can even help you apply.
Contacts for the Health Service:
T: +353 (0)74 91 86855
T: 1850 400 911 (out of hours service)
Counselling Service
Going to university is a big step in life, with many rewards, but it can also bring unexpected challenges and difficulties. The time might come when counselling can be helpful for all kinds of reasons, both academic and personal.
From anxiety about exams to depression, loneliness to unplanned pregnancy, whatever might be concerning you, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with one of our counsellors who are specially trained to listen attentively and provide a supportive, non-judgemental environment.
Contacts for the College Counsellor:
T: +353 (0)74 91 86855