S.H.A.G. Week
S.H.A.G. Week
S.H.A.G. Week (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance), which usually takes place during March each year, is a great opportunity to raise awareness and educate ATU students about practicing safe sex, sexual identity and expression and learning the importance and necessity of consent.
S.H.A.G. Week is an educational programme which promotes safe sex in a fun and effective way. A range of various sexual health topics and issues including STIS, HIV etc., along with looking at the different methods of using protection are highlighted. We also strive to have informative classes throughout the year on safe sex, consent, sexual expression and sexual empowerment.
The Students’ Union provides condoms (free of charge) to ensure that students are always protected. Call up to the SU office to collect – this is a confidential and non-judgmental service.