Education/Communications Officer

Communications Officer
Claire McCaul
M: 086 7702701
T: 074 9186825
Education/Communications Officer
Hello everyone, my name is Claire McCaul and I am your Education & Communications Officer for the 2024/2025 academic year. I am from Monaghan and I have just completed four years in ATU Donegal as a Health and Social Care student, so I can definitely relate to you all with the college experiences.
I cannot wait to start this new position and be able to help you students out with all different issues surrounding academic life, such as timetables, exams, assignments etc. Throughout the entire year, I plan to make student involvement one of my key priorities. I fully believe in the power of the student voice and want to platform it across all aspects of campus life and for you as students to feel able to come and approach the Student Union team with any enquiries that you might have. You will always be welcome to join us for a chat, but if you are feeling shy, you can always drop me an email! I look forward to seeing you all on campus and spending another year in ATU Donegal.
From being a student here for the past 4 years, I am fully aware of the struggles students face when it comes to their education. I am here to help out with any academic issues you may face during the year, whether it relates to your course, timetables, assignments, exams etc. I will be working closely with the Class Representatives and each of the Department heads to ensure all of our students have a straightforward and progressive year here at ATU Donegal.
An active social life is an important factor to the college experience. Student involvement will be one of my top priorities throughout this year. I will be leading many campaigns and events both on and off campus to ensure you have the most enjoyable and fun experience possible during your studies. I’ll be collaborating with the wider community to encourage student involvement and to ensure there is something for everyone to enjoy. I look forward to meeting you all this coming year and don’t hesitate to pop over to the office and say hello!