College Tips – Do’s and Dont’s
Coming into a third level institute can be a massive change for everyone; from secondary school leavers to mature students and post graduate students. With the independence of college, comes independent studying. Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts that will help you study during the year:
Do get the year off to a good start
Get your course outline and find out what you are expected to learn and when your submission dates are.
Do Get a Diary
These are available from the Student Union Shop and are handy to pencil in important information on items such as assignments, essays, submission dates, etc.
Do try to go to as many lectures as possible
You may not think that you’re absorbing information from all your lectures but it’s surprising how much comes back to you when you start revising.
Do learn a study technique
Everyone is different and likes to study in a different way, so find a way that suits you best.
Do have an organised folder with notes
When it comes to exam time, you don’t want to be looking everywhere for notes, so keep notes for each module together and it will save you a lot of hassle.
Do get all your stationery early
The Student Union Shop caters for all your stationery requirements.
Do enjoy college life
It will be the best time of your life!
Don’t stress if you feel you are behind with your notes
Your lecturers, classmates and Blackboard can help you out.
Don’t use different notepads for the one subject
It’s messy when trying to study if you have bits of subjects “here and there”.
Don’t leave it until the last week to figure out how to use the Library
Familiarise yourself with the library, you will spend a lot of time there!
Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Lecturers expect them. If you are unwilling to ask them in a packed hall, approach the lecturer after class, or e-mail him/her.