Nomination Now Open for Student Elections 2019

Published: 21st January 2019

In accordance with regulations made on 07/02/2007, nominations are invited from eligible students who wish to be candidates for election to the following Officer posts in the Student Union.

  • Student Union President

  • VP – Welfare & Equality Officer

  • VP – Education & Communications Officer

Nominations must be made on the official nomination paper which is now available and may be obtained from Josephine Wilson, SU Administrator, An Dánlann.

Completed nominations must be hand delivered by the nominee, to Josephine Wilson on or before Monday 4th February
2019 at 12 noon which is the latest date for receipt of completed nominations.

An election will be held where the number of candidates exceeds the number of seats available for any of the
positions. Where there is only one candidate for any of the positions, a plebiscite (yes/no vote) will take place.

Polling will take place in the Letterkenny Campus on Tuesday 19th February 2019 in Room 1154 from 9am to 5pm.
Polling will take place in the Killybegs Campus on Tuesday 19th February 2019 at the main reception area from 10am to 3pm.